Many people may have a certain misunderstanding about bulletproof vest, thinking that as long as the bulletproof vest is not damaged, it can be effective for a long time. But this is not the case. Regardless of whether it is damaged or not, with the increase of the service life, the bulletproof performance of the bulletproof vest is also constantly declining. The shelf life of bulletproof vest is affected by many factors, and it is very important to understand the factors that affect the efficiency of bulletproof vest for better preservation and prolong its service life.

Normally, most bulletproof products can maintain a shelf life of more than 5 years. Very few bulletproof products have a shelf life of about 7 years due to the material. However, if it is maintained and paid attention to during use and storage, its validity period can be effectively extended, otherwise, even if the bulletproof function is rapidly reduced or even invalidated within the validity period, it is possible. So how to properly use and maintain bulletproof vest?

1. Regular cleaning

To prolong the service life of the bulletproof vest, it is very important to keep the bulletproof vest clean and clean. The bulletproof vest jacket can be washed in the washing machine, but it must be ensured that the bulletproof chip is taken out before putting it in the washing machine.

When cleaning the bulletproof chip, you need to prepare a sponge and a small bottle of cleaning agent, use the sponge dipped in the cleaning agent to gently wipe the surface of the chip, remember not to immerse the chip in water, and do not use an ironing board to iron the chip wrapping cloth Because it is easy to burn the wrapping cloth accidentally, which will cause the chip to be eroded by air or moisture and stains during use, which will lead to a decline in the bulletproof function in the long run.

2. Avoid sun exposure

Exposure to sunlight accelerates the ageing of material fibers, thereby reducing their service life and ballistic resistance.

3. Usage frequency

The bulletproof performance of the bulletproof vest is also related to the length of use. The longer the use time, the lower the bulletproof performance and the shorter the validity period. Therefore, if conditions permit, it is best to prepare a set of replaceable bulletproof vests, and two sets of bulletproof vests are used in rotation. It can prolong the service life of bulletproof vest as much as possible.

4. Replace damaged bulletproof vest in time

Once the bulletproof vest is hit by a bullet, it should be replaced immediately, because even if the bulletproof chip hit by the bullet is not damaged in appearance, the strong impact will inevitably lead to changes in the microstructure of the material, thereby affecting its structural stability and ballistic performance. Replacement, then once the bullet hits the same position in the next use, the possibility of the chip being broken down will be greatly increased. Therefore, from the perspective of your own safety, the bulletproof vest that has been hit by the bullet must be replaced in time.

The above is a summary of the precautions for the use of bulletproof vest. Only by giving the bulletproof vest proper maintenance during the use process can the validity period of the bulletproof vest be severely punished and its ballistic resistance can be maintained.

HUASTA has been manufacturing and offering the bulletproof products to clients since 2001, every product pass through the SHOOTING TEST, quality is guaranteed. If you have any interest, please feel free to contact us by